Welcome to June’s Teacup Treasures, a warm, welcoming place for women wondering, “what next?” I’m a breast cancer conqueror, author, wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. I’m also mommy to Chai, a 3-year-old Shih Tzu, and Charlotte, a 2-year-old Shih Tzu. We reside in San Antonio, Texas. Besides writing, I love to quilt, read, collect teacups, and visit tearooms.

My breast cancer journey began on June 10th, 2020, during the Covid pandemic. I used to say I’m a survivor, but having learned to live life in the real world since finishing my treatment, I now proclaim that I am a conqueror, because I conquer cancer one day at a time. Each day is different, and I’ve found that the only way to conquer cancer is to depend on the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that I was allowed to have cancer at the age of seventy-five, so that I might become a beacon of hope for other women.

Throughout this website (still being revamped even as I type), I will share many thoughts and ideas which I pray will help you, my guest, to also live as a conqueror. Please pour yourself a cup of tea (a cuppa), and spend a few moments with me. I will provide uplifting thoughts, practical tips, and encouraging words to soothe your soul. Most of all, I hope to convey to you that you are not alone on this journey. I will pray for you and ask God to send help from the Sanctuary, as you deal with whatever cancer plops into your life.

Please introduce yourself by filling out the guest contact form. Your information is safe. I do not share guests names or information, so feel free to provide a short summary of your breast cancer diagnosis; where you are on your journey (newly diagnosed, in active treatment, finished treatment, etc). I don’t have a “Newsletter” yet, but as soon as I get that set up I will have a signup link at the top of this page, so watch for it. In the meantime, please enjoy your delicious cup of tea (I have some great recommendations), or the beverage of your choice as you check out my pages.

I am available for speaking and book signings. Please contact me at chapkoj@aol.com, or call 210-997-9559, for scheduling.

I love speaking to women’s groups, leading workshops, and have a list of topics that include: Hope on a Rope (my testimony), The Blame Game (life changes), Senior Years (what now?), Spiritual Journaling (growing in the Word), and Finding Joy (even in cancer).


My new release (August 2023)

My devotional book, Cancer Courage Christ: A Devotional for Breast Cancer Survivors, is now available on Amazon.

Speaking at FBC Sutherland Springs – Live Your Legacy!